Cannes Lions


ARC, London / PROCTER & GAMBLE / 2003

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Fixodent is the perfect solution for anyone with dentures who doesn’t want to give up crusty, crunchy or chewy food. P&G wanted to try targeting denture wearers via e-mail and offer them a free sample. This had two benefits: First it got people to try the product, and secondly, it allowed P&G to build a database of potential customers.The execution itself was very simple and elegant. Asking whether you miss Crunchy Apples, if you gave up chewy toffees and if you remember crusty sandwiches, the email soft faded between delicious-looking images, before telling you that you don’t have give up a thing. It then asked you try a free sample and get it all back.The response was terrific and certainly proves that e-mail is not just a young-persons’ medium. 35% of the audience opened the e-mail and over half of those clicked through. That meant a click-through rate of 19.5% - well above the industry average of 5%. 9% ordered a sample.

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