Cannes Lions
AB INBEV, Shanghai / CORONA / 2022
Corona have been committed to the sea and its preservation for many years globally.
In china, the topic of environment protection (including ocean protection) has been put on the stage for these years, grabbing attention from people like never before after Chinese government announce the plan of Carbon Natural.
However, there is no beer brand has been committed to ocean protection before, but the truth is that there are 8 million tons of plastic waste that floods into the world’s oceans every year.
Ridding on this trend, Corona china want to speak up for the ocean and the marine animals who are badly harmed by plastic waste.
As an advocate of the beach lifestyle both in China and everywhere else in the world, Corona has always considered marine environmental protection to be one of its major social responsibilities.
We found that Chinese residents who are outdoor lovers but live far away from the ocean, as they are completely unaware of the dire consequences of plastic waste.
When we see everything about the sea, we could see the ocean blue while we couldn’t see the plastic and pollution deep in the ocean.
We see the cute sea lion in aquarium, but can’t see the big threat they’re facing.
People rarely cast their attention to distant things yet are obsessed with daily necessities. Even the slightest change may easily be noticed.
To build up awareness of severe harm the ocean has suffered, Corona decided to “hurt” its century-old classic bottle.
In triggering consumers’ awareness of marine protection, Corona transformed its century-old bottle in inspiration of three plastic-deformed marine animals.
One severed on top, one tightened in waist, one with ring cut, the first batch of deformed Corona bottles are mass produced to emulate dolphins, turtles and seals morphed by plastic packaging.
Corona teamed up with Blue Ribbon, the biggest ocean conservation organization in China.
On June 8th, World Oceans Day, we launched Corona Deformed to resemble hurt marine animals’ deformed bodies.
The campaign attracted numerous media and influencers to join with Corona and speak up for the ocean.
1,426,000 consumers actively join the campaign on social media, and the topic of “ocean plastic reduction” was discussed as never before.
All the gift boxes were sold out within two days, the communication reached 12 million person-times, resulting in 2,426,000 engagements during the campaign.
The topic of plastic reduction has triggered unprecedented discussions in beer industry. More beer brands are following the topic of plastic reduction and environmental protection.
And we are continuing our journey, and more countries will adopt this initiative.