Cannes Lions


WUNDERMAN, Lisbon / FORD / 2003

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Car buyers do test-drives: for non-professionals most cars feel the same.The idea: sponsoring a Test-Driving Course using Fords for practising, so as to:1) Identify prospects. (A guidebook written by a rally pilot is offered free, in exchange for prospects’ data).2) Make them test a Ford, even if it’s not their brand. (With the book comes the invitation to the Practical Training at Ford dealerships).3) Sell when they’re inclined to buy. (After the training, Ford makes an offer if you buy the car)4) Keep data for future contacts (beginning when the Course Certificate is sent with another offer from Ford)


The programme started in February 2003 with very few ads in specialised magazines and sites. As of March 28 we’ve got: 2,865 book requests, of which 1,727 already qualified as likely buyers. We started to send out the book in March.

Sixty-nine test drives have been requested to date.In fact, this programme has a different way of capturing new car buyers. Instead of chasing prospective buyers, Ford has them asking if they can visit Ford showrooms to test-drive Ford cars.

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