Cannes Lions

Forest of Fries

THJNK, Munchen / undefined / 2017

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Case Film
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The McDonald’s Deutschland products meet the highest quality standards,

There’s no doubt that the quality is of the very best. The problem is that

people are more likely to believe rumors,

distorted facts and myths about McDonald’s that circulate on the Web than

the truth. Wild stories are always more appealing than reality. So how do

you get a young, digitally savvy target group to engage with the topic of

“McDonald’s and quality” at all?


Our campaign was launched simultaneously in cinemas, OoH and online.

While in cinemas the commercial was flanked by a promotion, we linked it

online directly to our hub where visitors learned the truth about McDonald’s.

There, people were able to see for themselves where the potatoes for

McDonald’s delicious fries actually come from. For the different social

media activities, we developed customized formats for each individual

channel. We created a dedicated start screen with subtitles for Facebook

and chose the 1:1 format supporting mobile devices. An extra-long version

was available for viewing on YouTube.

Bloggers such as Schlecky Silberstein covered our commercial and little

boomerangs and snippets linked users directly with our hub.


Our Fries Forest myth commercial has been viewed online over 13 million

times, including more than 5.6 million views on Facebook alone.

We achieved a total of over 84 million ad impressions on the Internet.

Since our commercial was linked to the quality hub on all social media

channels, the number of visitors to the hub rose by over 900%. That meant

we not only succeeded in enhancing people’s perception of McDonald’s

quality in one fell swoop, but also scored a significant image gain

into the bargain.