Cannes Lions


LOS&CO, Oslo / TELIA / 2019







The heroine in the film is Mia Landsem. The 22 year old holds a black belt in taekwondo but is best known in Norway for being a digital detective and net troll hunter who fights against cyber bullying, net hate and revenge porn. She has helped the Norwegian police getting net criminals convicted for illegally spreading nude pictures on the internet.

To have the Santa hat pulled down over the eyes, is a widely known expression in Norway. It refers to the mentality of people who are happy with the status quo and equally scared of trying out new things.

Telia is focusing on giving people a safer digital life. Hence Mia as the heroine and the killing of the net troll. Telia also want to inspire people to think outside the box and be open to new ideas. That is why the heroine is pulling off the hats.


With its new marketing campaign BE SAFE, BE FREE, BE YOU, Telia want to show that they are the mobile company that cares about what is important to the people of their community. They wanted to show that they support diversity, the right to make independent choices – and that they reject prejudice, oppression and conformity.

"Freedom" is a great track with a feel-good vibe and a positive message. The lyrics are uplifting and promote a happy life without restrictions and limitations. This is exactly what we needed in the commercial. To promote a digital life without restrictions and limitations.

The track has a great build up, that also allows for needed hardship and darkness in the beginning. The track is powerful, snappy and infectious, yet it feels socially conscious. It delivers the right balance between feel-good mood and seriousness.

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