Cannes Lions


SEÑORES, Sao Paulo / FS COMPANY / 2015

Presentation Image
Case Film
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We first conducted a research within the company to define the brand identity: pioneer, curator and with a positive bias for technology.

Then we interviewed end-users to understand its personality and relevance on the market. The brand attributes the user highlighted were secure, modern and versatile.

We translated these insights into visual symbols. The hexagon is the shape of the well of a hive, forming a structure that fits perfectly into a honeycomb. It brings meaning to the brand: society, collaboration, organization, protection, security, connection, work and excellence.

As for the colors, brand’s original vivid Red is the symbol of energy and courage as opposed to Green that symbolizes calm and safety. They represent both faces of the Internet, safely handled by FS.

We then brought together our developers with the client IT to develop an algorithm fueled by real server interactions, to emphasis the versatile nature of the company expertise. They created an API that mixes real time data with users unique variables, used by our designers to complete the brand identity and make it live.


We compiled the research to rebuild the brand identity from the ground, obsessed with making it as versatile as the Internet.

So we created a living logo. We started with the design and used technology to blow life into it.

Online, the logo is generated in real-time, and made dynamic by the algorithm, that determines the number, opacity and position of the pieces that compose it. For the variables are unique to every user at all time, the logo itself is unique for every user at any moment. And because these variables are changing, so is the logo, continuously.

The logo also lives offline, on all the physical brand assets, where it always appears under a different variation. A client interface allows FS employees to generate an instant logo to use as needed, each of them again being unique to the moment and the user.

Last, we documented our research in a brandbook that defines the company identity for the employees. It provides a preview of where the brand currently stands and a guideline for its future uses.