Cannes Lions


DDB CHINA GROUP, Shanghai / PEPSICO / 2011

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D.I.Y Street BASKETBALL campaign's goal was to: 1) Connect, and not just communicate, with the notoriously hard-to-influence youth market.2) Create an ownable, usable medium that engages with consumers.3) Overcome poor city planning of public spaces.4) Enabled our customers to enjoy the sport they are most passionate about.5) Opened up consumption opportunities for our product all over the city.6) Built 200 free-to-public basketball courts.7) Owned and championed the spirit of youth and street.8) All within a miniscule $10,000 A&P budget.


The game itself became the media.

We created a simple “D.I.Y Streetball Kit” which could be easily assembled anywhere by anyone. 200 of these were produced and distributed them to streetball lovers via online application.

And they did the rest.

Power poles, brick walls, trees, traffic lights and assorted street furniture were transformed into basketball hoops.

Having constructed their very own basketball playgrounds, teenagers became an advertisement themselves when they played the game in unlikely locations -- it was not just a game, it was more like a spectacle.Street basketball became basketball streets.


We turned a low budget of $10,000 into 200 wholly owned, fully targeted media placements, worth at least 20 times more.

These were exposed to 2 million people and engaged over 40,000 people in street basketball.

Most importantly, Gatorade became perceived as the one brand that champions the unconventional spirit of youth and street basketball.

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