Cannes Lions




1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Silver Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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Mothers’ Day is very important in Argentina. It’s the day when all different brands compete against one another to win over mothers’ and families’ hearts. Even TV programs air all sorts of Mothers’ Day-related news.

Taking all of this into account, Pampers had a big challenge ahead of it: We had to take control of Mothers’ Day using pure emotion.

Since Pampers is there for mothers from the very beginning, we decided to do something that had never been done before.

On Mothers’ Day, we aired the first few seconds of motherhood live and direct from five different hospitals throughout Argentina, making each new birth a unique TV moment.

The campaign was aired live, interrupting regularly scheduled programming. Which meant that the airtime was determined, not by an ad exec, but by the newborns themselves.


On Mothers’ Day, we wanted to film in a location that would elicit the maximum amount of emotion from audiences watching TV that day.

We aired the first few seconds of motherhood live from five different hospitals throughout Argentina, making each new birth a unique TV moment.

That way, Pampers could be there for mothers from day one and the whole world could see, feel, and react to these moments as they unfolded.

The campaign was broadcast live; the very first TV campaign where airtime was decided not by an ad exec, but by newborns themselves.

We developed a shooting schedule that allowed us to shoot live footage, using the same technology that news crews use when reporting on the street.

Each TV spot became content for Argentina’s main news programs, covering the campaign as national news for the twelve-hour Mothers’ Day window.


The impact of the 'Pampers Giving Birth Live' campaign turned the original 2,000 seconds of national coverage into 18,000 seconds, a 900% increase in coverage.

As each spot was a brand new birth, we offered viewers 'unique seconds' as opposed to the 'recycled seconds' of traditional campaigns, surprising our audience with each new spot.

Furthermore, we generated 12 hours of content on Argentina’s main news channels, sharing the best gift any mother could hope for on her special day…a child.

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