Cannes Lions

Good Odds

TOYOTA USA, Plano / TOYOTA / 2018

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We worked with a statistician to calculate the actual odds of winning a gold medal at different points in Paralympian Lauren Woolstencroft's life to create an inspiring film based on facts.


To tell the real-life story of Canadian Alpine Skier Lauren Woolstencroft, who overcame tremendous odds to become a legendary Paralympic gold medalist, we teamed up with Michael Schuckers, Professor of Statistics at St. Lawrence University. Schuckers’ assignment was to show just how tremendous those mathematical odds were. We had to look at where we were at a certain point in Lauren’s life and as we transition to the next part of her story, what are the things that are relevant. For instance, there are however many millions of kids who start out as ballerinas; how many of those kids are going to be active in sports? We had to carefully and correctly identify these odds.


'"Good Odds" was the most-enjoyed advertisement of the campaign, with average enjoyment of over 60 percent in the countries in which it ran. First aired during the Super Bowl in the U.S.; ranked number 1 in Ad Effectiveness in Ace Metrix and was number 5 in USA Today's Ad Meter Poll (number one automotive), the highest rankings in Toyota's recent history. Toyota association with Paralympic Games across core countries exceeded goals, average eight percent top-of-mind. Toyota now ranks within top three of worldwide sponsors associated with the Games on average and is number one in most core countries. Interest in the Paralympics also increased significantly (+12% points) and ultimately, Toyota’s mission helped make the 2018 Paralympics the most watched games in history.

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