Cannes Lions
R/GA NEW YORK, New York / AD COUNCIL / 2017
GoVoteBot is a chatbot on Facebook Messenger that is an end-to-end and completely personalized solution to get voters the information they need to vote. Information is accurate, but more importantly, bite-sized for every voter to understand. Voters could register to vote, check their registration, and find their polling location without ever leaving the bot.
We took a complicated process and turned it into a conversation, putting it directly in the hands of a mobile-obsessed generation. But, the magic of our experience was that 99% of information was kept hidden until users asked for it. This made our experience truly personalized because users only saw relevant information.
GoVoteBot is a Facebook Messenger bot that gives young voters all the the information they need to vote in the quickest way possible and important information you didn’t even know you needed like whether or not your state legally provides time off for voters.
There were several features within Facebook messenger that we leveraged (or hacked) to make this experience truly innovative. We used a variety of messenger mechanisms, like quick reply buttons and carousels, to make the experience truly intuitive. We made the experience holistic by opening webpages within messenger to keep users in the bot. We also were one of the first to use a new ad type on Facebook that sends people directly into the conversation on messenger.
GoVoteBot ran on Facebook September 29th through November 8th, 2016. It was a U.S. based campaign
promoted mostly through social.
GoVoteBot received 55 million media impressions and started over 100,000 conversations about voting. It was featured in many major media and industry publications. Through out the campaign, it was considered a game changing tool and will continue to increase voter turnouts amongst young voters for elections to come.
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