Cannes Lions


H&T, Melbourne / GLAXO SMITH-KLINE / 2014

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Case Film
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Our challenge was to create a leadership campaign for Seretide before a raft of competitors enter the asthma market. After a decade of declining sales, Seretide needed a campaign that would reinforce its leadership. For the new campaign, Seretide had to look like a leader and talk like a leader. Our solution was to relaunch Seretide as the unstoppable leader in lung health.

We worked on creating striking imagery: an x-ray of the lungs showing Seretide at work; talent showing confidence and control. In testing, over 90% of surveyed doctors identified Seretide as the brand when shown the new campaign with no branding.

When it came time to relaunch Seretide, we did it in the biggest way possible: eight-page inserts, double page spreads and belly wraps. The creative media use was an Australian first.

GSK reps were also armed with an eSales aid that brought our lungs to life, with the x-rayed lungs proving an intriguing talking point with doctors, who are once again excited about Seretide’s new leadership.


We wanted to create an iconic image that people would quickly identify with. The colour purple is synonyms with Seretide, so an X-Ray filled with Seretide was created with people holding it to their chest in a confident manner. The campaign has run for approximately one year nationwide.


Original Objective: Remind prescribers that Seretide is the leader in Asthma


- Through post-launch message recall testing (qualitative) we saw a shift in attitude from non-loyalists increasing their intention to prescribe when presented with the fact that Seretide was the most prescribed therapy in the drug class.

- The Loyalist customers responded with stable rates of prescription as their behaviour was affirmed through the most prescribed messaging.

Objective: Arrest the decline of market share between Seretide and its nearest competitor

Output: The following 9 months since launch saw an increase in post-warehouse sales that was above forecast. (Please note GSK does not share numerical results with third party suppliers,)

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