Cannes Lions
KOLLE REBBE, Hamburg / O2 / 2016
While studying the social life of our customers we came across one very important issue: every year about 1/2 million young people in Germany move out of their parents’ home to start a more independent life. Overwhelmed by all the new challenges and opportunities many of them forget one very important thing: to call home once in a while.
To solve this communication problem, the o2 way, we came up with a unique solution: The Happy Mom Deal.
This special mobile plan is the perfect gift from parents to their children, when they move out to start their adult lives. The Happy Mom Deal allows unlimited calls and data at the expense of the parents, but only if the children get in touch with them regularly. If kids forget to call home, they’ll call no one for a while, because service will be temporarily deactivated.
In spring 2016 the Happy Mom Deal was introduced to o2 customers on the corporate website. The phone plan itself was available on a special Happy Mom microsite that allowed users to configure and set up the deal on their smartphones in a matter of a few clicks.
Since it was launched the Happy Mom Deal already sparked countless conversations between families across Germany showing them that life is better, when you worry less and talk more.
An impressive 5.543.670 minutes of calls between children and parents were made with the help of the Happy Mom Deal already. And every single minute of happy chat is contributing to an increasing overall positive brand awareness.
Furthermore, the deal proved our new brand positioning by showing customers that o2 is not just another telecommunication provider but a trusted companion in both digital and real life.
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