Cannes Lions

Hatoola ACDelco


Case Film
Supporting Images
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The Middle East is pretty complex. Take for instance, dialects. You’d think they all speak Arabic there, but no, they speak different dialects. So how do you talk to everybody in the Middle East with one song to fix a marketing issue? ACDelco had to solve the problem of people not knowing that their products are good for almost all car makes, especially the end users as opposed to professionals and mechanics. So with this campaign, the objective was to position ACDelco as an All Makes brand, while leveraging on GM brands’ heritage and legacy.


We created an entertaining rap piece called “Hatoola ACDelco,” which means Get ACDelco. We chose to bring this to life in the hub of car culture in the region: the haraj. In this secondhand garage, the rap battle invited both the seller and buyer to a 1-on-1 rap session where each seller advocated a specific car make, while the buyer focused on the quality of care provided for the car through ACDelco products.

For the first time in the Middle East, the dull traditional car garage became a live rap battlefield, and the music track we created spoke in street lingo of different dialects and cultures. The lyrics also cleverly integrated messages around ACDelco’s product excellence in relevant real-life scenarios in the region.


The film was built on a simple human insight revolving around the behavior of customers in the Middle East when selling/purchasing secondhand cars. The awareness needed to revolve around what brings the best value for cars, which is how well you take care of your vehicle to help maximize its life span (through ACDelco’s premium spare parts and products), as opposed to its make and model.

In the Middle East, the haraj (car garage) is the hub of car culture hence why we strategically chose for the story to come alive in.

Furthermore, the lyrics of the rap song was creatively crafted using different cultural insights and real customer lingo when speaking auto. Using RAP, we pushed ACDelco products and created an authentic link to the real culture.


The creative assets of the campaign were optimized for 3 stages and multiple platforms, leading to a hub of entertainment where people can enjoy the rap songs created.


We specifically designed rap songs and videos for reach on YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Anghami, DMS, PFX network, retargeting the pool for 3-4 weeks and driving them to YouTube hub where all the different materials lived on playlists, as well as the microsite/campaign page for additional insight on the campaign and products.


Then based on criteria and search, the audience was retargeted with educational videos optimized for views VTR, focusing on each ACDelco product such as batteries, oils, spark plugs, etc. For this phase, the audience was driven to ACDelco’s e-catalogue to fully understand the offerings and details.


Lastly, we drove engaged users to a landing page for an offer (vouchers), optimized for clicks.


The campaign was a major success with a collective 584% completion rate above industry benchmark on all platforms and 202% video through rate. All results reflect good synergy between the content and the platform environments designed.

The rap content resonated well with audiences on social platforms, especially YouTube. Similar to Tik Tok and Instagram, YouTube is a platform that is heavy on music and rap hence we targeted music fans just before they watched their favorite song or rap song, bringing the ACDelco rap content in a highly contextually relevant environment which was in return a very successful strategy.

Tik Tok too is a prime platform for music content and rap, and we targeted our younger audience resulting in high engagement and video completions coming in in second after YouTube.

On Instagram, almost every single video asset finished above benchmark for VTR and VCR.

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