Cannes Lions


SHACKLETON, Madrid / HENKEL / 2014

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film
Online Video
Presentation Image
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A series of high impact, target-centric mail shots with specific objectives:

• Local teams: Campaign activation in their market

• Journalists: Media exposure - Publicity

• Bloggers: Digital buzz

The core element comprised a roll of toilet paper on which was printed comprehensive information about the project throughout:

1. Maximise viral potential of the action.

2. Raise brand awareness and strengthen the product’s link with the campaign.

3. Achieve 7.8M total views.

Constant repetition of the same message aimed to drive home the importance of active engagement in the action and avoid it being “thrown down the toilet”.


The YouTube channel was transformed into a personalized micro-site for each of the 29 countries taking part, which allowed users to visualise the campaign video and share the images of its stars with funny and memorable phrases across several different social networks. They were also able to take a selfie or any photograph of themselves and upload it onto the 'Paradise yourself' application. A CMS (Content Management System) was developed specifically to manage the channel’s content, allowing local markets to manage all of the elements of the channel conveniently and hassle-free regarding copy translations, logos, images of the stars and links to social networks in each country.


• Publication in more than 400 media and blogs around the world

• More than 650 Twitter mentions

• The involvement of local teams exceeded the expectations of the global team to the point that it was decided that during Henkel’s last international convention with top management to place these toilet rolls in every room of the hotel where 500 people were staying.

• Over 8,000,000 views in just over 4 weeks.

• More than 75% saw the video to the end.

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