Spikes Asia

Hong Kong SCB


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The credit card market is one of the most fiercely competitive markets in Hong Kong. There are over 16.5 million cards in circulation, or approximately 3 cards for every person living in Hong Kong. To these cardholders, the ‘product feature’ is the reward scheme – for which most popular is Asia Miles. Cardholders always jump to the newest and shiniest, which they perceive to have better mileage per dollar spent.

It is no wonder that DBS Black and Cathay Pacific American Express, brands that are historically known as THE Asia Miles cards, have all settled with the easy route, tactical campaigns putting the mileage-per-dollar equation front and centre.

With the launch of Standard Chartered new Mastercard Asia Miles card, the conventional way of doings things would have added more to the unnecessary noise. Instead, our goal was to break away from the clutter with one simple objective: develop relatable content to


We rolled out our 3-month social campaign on the MasterCard Facebook page as the main channel of content distribution. Facebook is the top-of-mind platform where our local audiences look for bite-sized and relevant entertainment. Our community participated throughout the whole process starting from:

- submitting stories in public recruitment to go to audition for Cannes

- seeing winners selection through “Casting in the Dark”

- helping to unlock a series of fame booster activities to transform the two ordinary winners

- watching real-time Cannes experiences of the two winners leveraging Facebook’s new Live Video function

We created a simple, hardworking and interesting social engagement mechanics that lasted for 20 days. It is built around a key credit card feature and this allowed us to blend in the other important credit card features tactfully and seamlessly into the content. This generated high engagement and also exposed the card features to 4.8 million people alone and drove our core

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