Cannes Lions
HEIMAT, Berlin / HORNBACH AG / 2018
“Sweat It Out” is a wild visual ride into the inside of a everyday man's sweat pore.
As crazy as that sounds, the film depicts a wacky mine worker's group (the "Rubber Cowboys") living inside a man’s body, facing and processing its nerve-wracking everyday problems: Angry, screaming bosses. A loud, annoying TV, showing dubious fitness infomercials. A pimpled teenager armed with a guitar, shouting his heart out. All these everyday stress factors are processed by our internal mine workers and run through our sweat pores. Finally, all the anger, stress and noise are distilled into one perfect drop of sweat.
The film cuts to a man working on a personal gardening project.
In silence, the stress-filled drop falls to the ground.
We see relief on our hero's face:
Sweat it out.
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