Cannes Lions

How L'OR are you

MOBILE STRATEGY, Amsterdam / JDE / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






Within the L'OR studio we created a scanning device which captured the key colours of the clients outfit. The colours in the outfit were matched against the colours used for each coffee capsule flavour. The clients colour combinations and outfit silhouette were compiled with the new L'OR capsules resulting in a pixelated image, where the pixels resembled the aluminium L'OR coffee capsules. On the screen the top three matching flavours, with percentages, were showcased. Images were printed and e-mailed to the client along with their capsule flavour profile. Of course what experience would be complete without a taste test to see if our prediction was correct.


After the strategic phase we immediately developed a prototype to test the booth before the actual execution. Next to the technical aspect the device also needed to be transportable as the campaign and therefore the booth made a roadshow along six different warehouses. The campaign was launched in Breda on the 12th of September 2017 and ended the roadshow in Amsterdam. The campaign was promoted digitally via social media with competitions and give-aways, a newly launched informative website and in-store through special promoters who encouraged participation and served customers in the tasting bar. Our team would be stand-by to personally move the booth to its next location.


The in-store brand campaign greatly impacted both Hudson's Bay as a retailer and L'OR as a brand. The innovative match between fashion and coffee enabled L'OR to make an impression on every customer entering a Hudson's Bay location, adding up to tens of thousands of visits to the studio. The How L'OR are you campaign positioned a traditional category like coffee capsules in a unique and personal way. This therefore had a significant impact on sales. Within the Hudson's Bay locations L'OR products had an average uplift of 465% compared to sales 4 weeks prior of the campaign.

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