Cannes Lions


McCANN MADRID, Madrid / IKEA / 2015

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






The Branded Content brings the target closer to the brand through experiences. By creating not only content of interest to the consumer, but also bringing its content closer to the consumer without being intrusive advertising, we have ceased to run PUSH advertising in favour of PULL and bidirectional advertising.

There are currently no regulations for this advertising format


The campaign began with the launch on February 5 of the video on YouTube, and thereafter it had repercussions on social networks, taking advantage of the proximity of Valentine’s Day held on 14th February, the same day the video was published on YouTube the Hotel Amour page opened allowing people to make free reservations for 13th and 14th February in the Hotel. It was also available through different reservation pages.

After this day you could see the reviews from the guests about IKEA mattresses.


Over 1,357,614 views of the videos of the action on social networks.

38,548 interactions and a reach of 5,158,876 on Facebook and Twitter.

More than 15,000 applications for a room through the site in just five days.

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