Cannes Lions
We made customized reports with the all of the Tokyo marathon 2017 runners data, entry data and each passing time data and delivered it to the 33 974 runners that finished the race.
By putting data on one sheet such as, each of the runner’s 5 km pace graph, finish time distribution map of all runners, entry number and course map, information that were difficult to know with just “Numbers” became intuitively understandable. For example each runner habits, his level compared to all of the runners but also the race information.
In Tokyo Marathon, personal data (name, gender, age, address, etc.) submitted by the runner at the time of entry are acquired and passing time data of every 5 km is measured through the IC chip attached to the shoes.
Based on these pieces of information, pace and ranking are determined and information on each runner is kept.
Therefore, we were provided all of the about 36 000 people data to compile and analyze them.
We conducted hearings to some targeted runners by showing them the designed data to make choices and sort out and organize the information we will put together in the report.
For data related to individuals such as names and pace time graphs, we repeated verification to adjust the design, as long as there could be 33, 974 different patterns as many as the number of runners who finished the race.
The created report was distributed to 33 974 runners who finished the race, and they enjoyed it.
In the survey conducted on the runners who received it, the percentage of people who were satisfied with the program was 99.0%.
The proportion of favorable impression for the brands was 95.9%. In addition, on SNS many people shared their report and we received positive comment such as "Konica Minolta's report is cool" and "I will definitely frame it!", but also comment showing runners made discoveries on their running leading to their next training work such as "Need to improve on my last half…", "by speeding up 5 seconds per km, I could finish under 4h!”
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