Cannes Lions
Outbox International Short Film Festival is a yearly festival that plays rare short films you can’t find anywhere else. The TVC starts with two men sitting in a hospital garden attended by a nurse. The nurse leaves them alone, and they both stare blankly out at the viewer. In the background, a flying saucer approaches the two men unaware, then stops over one of the men and abducts him suddenly in a beam of light. The other man has no idea what just happened , only turned his head to look after his friend disappeared and the flying saucer had vanished.
The TVCs showed scenarios caricaturing people who missed out on an extraordinary sighting. We also took the message to one of the most crowded streets in Beirut. When the traffic lights turned red we engaged people with a rare sighting. We also gave people an app to transform their Facebook posts into rare sightings. All you have to do is pick a rare sighting you want to show like a pic, video, or statement, set a showing time, and share it on your wall. Friends that caught it on their news feed during the showing time were in for a treat. The ones that missed it, tough luck!
We turned Outbox from a small festival into a national event. Outbox received free PR coverage worth $411,262 and free media worth $213,700 (verified by Starcom MediaVest group). Attendance went beyond expectations and increased from 1,000 people to reach 5,000 despite the films showing at the same time as the very popular Euro 2012 tournament.
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