Cannes Lions

Introducing Meta

Creative X, Meta, Menlo Park / META / 2022

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Case Film
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Facebook has always built technology around people and their relationships because nothing beats being together. The metaverse is the next evolution of social technology, where you can share immersive experiences with people even when you can't be together in person and do things you couldn't do in the physical world.


We rebranded Facebook to Meta, meaning “beyond.” To launch the new brand identity we went beyond what had ever been done before, designing the new company symbol in VR with Quest technologies—the first logo created with the metaverse in mind.

Then we launched our vision for how we can all take part in building the metaverse across social media with a film that imagined a future made by all of us, and a TV spot that inspired curiosity about the evolution from 2D experiences to immersive 3D worlds.

The films and social extensions shared our vision of this new dimension and invited people from around the world to create it with us.


In 2021, the Facebook company decided to establish a new company brand that captures the future we are building towards, signaling a shift from what we are known for today - social media - to what we want to be known for in the future - the social metaverse.

As a company of builders, we wanted to invite everyone to build this new future with us. We believe in a metaverse built around people and their relationships; a future that everyone has a stake in. This future doesn’t happen unless companies like ours commit energy, creativity and resources to make it. We know we can’t do it alone, but we have a huge role to play and our new brand shines a light that signals our commitment to this exciting future. It was up to us to bring this vision to life.


We believe that everyone has a stake in the future. So when Facebook announced its journey into the metaverse, we wanted this to be a future made by all of us.

We searched through old news clips and films to find people from the past and present, from fictional to famous, imagining the future. We also interviewed people, spanning different ages, races, religions, genders, disabilities, and asked them what they dreamed about. We partnered with Emmy-award winning directors who helped us weave together this story of a future made by all of us.

We also launched a TV spot, ‘The Tiger and the Bufalo’ to inspire curiosity about the evolution from 2D experiences to immersive 3D worlds.

We partnered with social media creators Emily Zugay, Khaby Lame, and Angry Reactions to share their comedic reactions to the rebrand and developed real-time responses for brands and celebrities who joined the conversation.


Immediately after the launch of this new brand, consumer perception of the company shifted.

Please see “confidential information for the jury” section for results.

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