Cannes Lions




1 Gold Cannes Lions
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The overall concept was to create a communication platform for customers, though we believed that JA did not suit the concept, as it was perceived as massive and conservative (somewhat like a government body) in Japan.

Therefore, we proposed a plan to create a new visual identity in addition to the sign design to rebuild the image, and fundamentally renew the brand that would enable communication with customers.

Furthermore, with regard to a projected future increase in imported farmed goods from overseas, we also aimed to integrate the primary industry and design to enhance its character and originality.


The concept was to create a communication platform for customers, so we proposed a new visual identity with pictograms, capable of building affinity and instantly communicating its various services to wide generations from children to senior citizens, as well as people engaging in agriculture.

We also developed pictograms to match local specialties in respective areas so that it may be deployed in the other branches under JA Minds’ possession.

As a result, we came up with an extremely unique brand identity suited for multiple uses, allowing various people to connect with one another without any use of words.


There was much inspiring feedback, such as “It now has a new image, thus much more approachable!” from those who saw JA Minds’ new VI, which set it apart from any other JA branch.

Furthermore, the place attracted a wide range of customers.

Also, a variety of daily items adopting the brand identity were created, and played a significant role in promotion and advertising as more people carried those items along.

The pictograms allowed specific messages to be communicated via symbolic images, and with this, the plan managed to deepen the strong relationship between JA Minds and its users.