Cannes Lions
MINDSHARE, Mumbai / KELLOGG'S / 2016
We launched this thought provoking campaign with a strong visual and tangible mnemonic of the initiative – the #FeedingDreams Canter - A single vehicle that managed to weave the Big Story by travelling across 6 metros and collecting pledges by creating an emotional connect with the masses.
Multi-media & Multi-format approach was deployed, encompassing & adapting as per the medium & consumer. Through, studio shift at popular malls, RJs informed about the initiative and the #feedingDreams canter. Surround ATL support of TV, Print, digital, Social Media & Mobile platforms created massive awareness & call to action towards the cause/pledge & encouraged people to support the #FeedingDreams initiative. As a result of the pledges taken, BFs were distributed via NGO’s in several municipal schools for 120 days projecting Kellogg as a brand that cares.
Local mediums pivoted around the canter when it came into the city. Radio, Social media, News coverage & vox pop became our amplifier at every stage.
Panel Discussions on breakfast by key stakeholders – nutritionists to school principals to government bodies backed up this cause and became our staunch supporter in the petition to the government to make breakfast compulsory in schools!
*We had taken upon a truly tall task of collecting 1 million breakfast pledges.
*Thanks to a robust and flawlessly executed plan, #Feedingdreams canter achieved over 200% of what it had set out to deliver.
*By the end of the campaign we had successfully motivated 2.2 million people to not just dream big, but to work towards achieving it by taking the breakfast pledge & making the right start to their day!
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