Cannes Lions


F.BIZ, Sao Paulo / GRAAC / 2015

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Case Film
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GRAACC is a non-profit institution that gives aid to children fighting cancer. To help

these children, GRAACC needs donations.

Everyone knows that children with cancer deal with many types of suffering. But, to

get donations for GRAACC, we showed another side of the situation: though these

children are sick, they are still kids and have a right to be happy.

We hosted a party day at GRAACC, recorded the children’s laughter and sold it as

though it were medicine at Fleury branches, one of Brazil’s biggest health centers.

Inside each bottle is a small “medical” information leaflet with jokes and a code to

download the laughter from our hotsite. All of the proceeds from the sales went to

the children’s treatment. The campaign spread throughout the country and appeared

in leading news vehicles, in addition to be shared by various important public

personalities. And, in the end, it made everyone happy.


Getting people to donate to charitable causes is always difficult. This meant that

GRAACC needs to create ideas to stimulate people to donate.

To this end, as opposed to what the majority of institutions do, we created a campaign

that showed how much joy can help in the fight against cancer.

First, we had a party with games and fun for the kids at GRAACC and we recorded their

laughter. Afterwards, we turned the laughter into medicine. Or rather, we took small

bottles resembling pill bottles and put inside them a small information leaflet with

jokes and a code to download the kids’ laughter directly from our hotsite.

During the week that began with World Health Day, the bottles were sold in Fleury

branches, one of Brazil’s biggest medical centers. The success was such that we also

made the laughter available for sale online.


- More than 2,500 bottles were sold on the action’s first day.

- Thousands of laughs were sold and are still being sold online.

- The campaign was covered by various news vehicles in Brazil and around the


- 15 million people were impacted by the action.

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