Cannes Lions

Left Twix Right Twix - Pick a Side

BBDO , New York / MARS / 2016






With an ever-growing number of competitors vying for market share in the crowded chocolate category, global players need globally resonant brands to hold their ground in both developed and emerging markets. When it was time for TWIX® to step up to the plate and define a clear role in the Mars Chocolate portfolio, the brand faced a steeper climb due to its smaller stature and budget. In addition, 15+ years of inconsistent positionings had led to low internal confidence in the brand’s potential success. To combat this, TWIX® needed a big idea that could travel the globe in a way that was both effective (sales-driving in both developed and emerging markets) and efficient (scalable across multiple markets with small media and production budgets).

In order to craft an idea that could resonate across the globe, TWIX® went back to its roots and tapped into its unique product benefit – that each pack always delivers the same three simple ingredients in two delicious bars. The result? A powerful global idea that can be told across channels – the storied rivalry of Left TWIX® and Right TWIX® factories, each believing their bar to be superior. After four years, four TV spots and multiple executions ranging from digital video to in-store promotion to a partnership with Google, the Left and Right TWIX® factories may not have won the battle to make the most delicious TWIX®, but they have won hearts worldwide.

By 2015, four years into the highly successful campaign, TWIX® “Pick a Side®” has helped drive sales worldwide across the globe, and helped boost internal confidence in a long-standing efficient idea, which has now expanded to 41 markets. The story of Left and Right TWIX® has taught us that even if we can’t agree which side is better, we can all agree that the campaign delivered on the business objectives and drove belief in the underdog TWIX® brand as well.

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