Cannes Lions
MPC, Los Angeles / BMW / 2019
The film had four large-scale VFX sequences. Supernatural birds, Poseidon’s waves, Roy’s destruction, and the bridge collapse were CG.
For Poseidon’s sequence, creating a tidal wave crashing down the street was complex and required four different simulations and lighting set-ups - back lit, in-shadow and front lit. Keeping the consistency was a challenge.
For the bridge collapse, we shot bikers on a real bridge location, then replaced everything. The environment concept came from aerial photography from Hawaii.
We had to shoot Roy from a different perspective at a slower frame-rate to achieve the ‘giant’ factor, then created a CG destructed street. Stone, metal and glass was simulated and fractured.
Compositing was key - we extended/rebuilt 90% of environments. E.g. the banker scene was shot in a four-story building street - we added in 40-story buildings, widening the street to match the grandness.
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