Cannes Lions
ARCHER TROY, Mexico City / LEGO / 2022
Lockdown hit hard on our kids’ lives. No more school, no hanging out in the park, or playtime with friends. But imagination shined even inside a box called home.
Create a campaign on digital that can make our kids face the pandemic using creativity.
Unite families during the lockdown, rebuilding the world together with LEGO
Lego presents: Lego Challenge, two bricks, a million stories. We hacked Instagram Stories, and showed the entire world what you can create with only two bricks, because two bricks can create anything, from a lovely monster up to a famous band. We created IG template stories on @legostoresmx and our partners @papalote_museo instagram social media accounts, then we challenge users to create new stories using two bricks and their imagination.
During the pandemic the use of mobile screens increased up to 54%. Also all of our stores were closed and kids had to live inside a box for many months. We had to do something, so for two of the most iconic dates in Mexico (kid’s day and mother’s day, from April 30th - May 10th) we hacked instagram using only two bricks through IG stories templates and we showed them how you can create a new story with only two bricks.
We increased the engagement with the Instagram tools as people were able to customize it as they wanted: labels, stickers, hashtags and their friend’s IG handles. We used e-commerce links in our templates to drive people to our only open store, A million stories turned into plenty of sets bought and an increase in sales through one of the worst years for the toys industry.
We used our instagram account and one of our most powerful partners in Mexico: @legostoresmx and @papalote_museo to reach as many users as we could. We knew kids were watching instagram with their parents so we aim to make them all use their imagination. We decided to launch the campaign through two of the most iconic dates in Mexico (kid`s day and mother’s day, between April 30th and May 10th) and during two weeks we posted new IG templates daily and people on instagram went crazy, we received more than one million stories. We also used our IG template stories to drive consumers to our online store, so the action not only created a big buzz on social media, it also helped sell our product even when stores at malls were closed.
We got 1.2 million impressions in the first 24 hours with 276k organic interactions and a 23% engagement rate.
By the end of the action we had more than one million stories and we increased our sales 14% compared to the rest of the industry key players.
People created a million stories, and we reunited lots of friends, again.
When we couldn’t go out, we built new worlds inside our homes.
Yes. Lego, rebuild the world.
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