Cannes Lions


G2 GERMANY, Berlin / LEICA / 2013

Presentation Image
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Leica´s fame was founded on the invention of small-format photography in the early 1930's and on iconic photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson, co-founder of Magnum Photos.

Since these pre-digital times photography has evolved dramatically: The Asian competitors have won "the war of features" and taken over the industry decades ago.

So while technical trends are nowadays set in the Asian market, we still wanted to become the industry’s most desired brand. "Made in Germany".


Leica is one of the most iconic brands of all times. That´s why we focused on the essential to underline Leica´s authenticity: the super specific rangefinder system and the reduced German design.

The brand identity therefore uses design elements, which have always been unique parts of Leica´s products: The banderole, protecting each Leica camera, and the typical viewfinder nooks, assisting rangefinder photographers to focus on the essential.

These brand specific elements continue across all of the corporate design, unified in the style guide.


Leica strengthened its brand´s awareness and value. Nowadays Leica´s biggest challenge is to keep up with the increasing orders worldwide - especially in the Asian markets…

This design has won at iF communication design award, German Designer Club DDC - and it was awarded "best of the best“ at red dot communication design awards.

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