Cannes Lions



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We needed to promote Lidl's discounted prices and quality. And, show that low prices and high quality can co-exist. And by doing so, prove that a superb meal is within reach of every person. With this idea we wanted to show the upper class consumers that it was possible to prepare an excellent meal with low cost ingredients. And to the working class that low cost ingredients don't necessarily mean a low quality meal.

In other words, LIDL has a First Class experience for All.


With the task being to advertise to both groups - upper class and working class - that low prices and quality can co-exist, we found an international commercial flight to be just the perfect setting. A renowned Chef was challenged to create and prepare a First Class gourmet meal to be served on the airplane. But one prepared exclusively with low cost ingredients purchased at Lidl. Hidden cameras were placed along the plane to record the passengers reactions. And a campaign went live the next day to reveal that the same experience was available to every person in Portugal at every Lidl Store.


The initial reactions of the passengers, from first to economy class were the best we could expect. With most reacting instantly as the meals were served, and with surprise and excitement when the actual Chef, on board, revealed that it was all prepared with discount ingredients. But most important, following the flight, every person could walk to a Lidl store across Portugal and experience the same meals. With recipes next to the products and special discounted prices to deliver the message that First Class is indeed affordable to all. Hidden cameras recorded the passenger's reactions and after the flight, a TV campaign revealed these reactions. This resulted in extensive coverage in the media and increased attendance in each and every store. And thus, validating its concept and signature: LIDL. Where quality is affordable.

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