
Like A Girl Olympics


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Case Film
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The latest Always Confidence Survey found that half of girls quit sports around puberty, right when participating in sports could benefit their confidence most. It was uncovered that girls’ reasons for quitting – whether it be not feeling like they belong in sports, not having female athlete role models or simply not having access to the opportunity to play – all speak to the wider societal limitations that girls still face every day. Always therefore committed to helping keep more girls in sports by highlighting these societal limitations and encouraging all girls around the world to keep playing #LikeAGirl.

Always charged we and its other agencies to help them continue their mission to stop the drop in confidence girls experience at puberty while fueling a conversation around keeping girls in sports. The timing would be a moment when sports are celebrated worldwide – the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Our objectives were:

• Drive popularity of the brand

• Drive credibility of the program and continue to establish #LikeAGirl as a trusted campaign

• Drive views of the Always #LikeAGirl – Keep Playing video


• Premium partnerships:

o The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and National Olympic Committee: Supported the he campaign and provided access to Games assets and athletes to drive credibility

o UN Women: Always committed its support to the UN Women & IOC initiative “One Win Leads to Another,” benefitting 2,500 local Brazilian girls, giving them access to sports and a confidence-building curriculum as part of a pilot program. These organizations also co-created a new #LikeAGirl Toolkit, which offers parents, coaches and teachers the tools needed to encourage girls to keep playing sports.

o Walmart: Always and Walmart are working together to help keep girls in sports across the U.S. by giving one girls team in each state sports resources through the “50 Teams, 50 States” program.

• Credible Spokespeople: We leveraged Alex Morgan as a key spokesperson; her participation was featured in 70+% of coverage. Dr. Jen Welter provided academic insight into the role of sport in helping build girls confidence.

• Spark interest: We enlisted key athletes and influencers including Alex Morgan, Ariana Huffington and Mia Hamm to break through media clutter and kick start conversation on social and to share the video at launch

• Strategic media outreach: We secured launch exclusives in multiple markets; with top-tier placements in Huffington Post, CNN, and Mashable. This approach, combined with influencer and social support, ensured extensive coverage throughout traditional and social media and drove consumer and media conversation.

• Supplemental materials: We worked with Always to develop unique content for social and traditional outreach, including a behind-the-scenes video with director Nanette Burstein, and athlete profile videos with Alex Morgan.

• Influencer engagement: We developed a global influencer strategy, including teen vloggers, mom bloggers and “on the ground” influencers who drove awareness and popularity of the video while encouraging participation in the CTA.

• Real-time social: We actively engaged with key Olympic moments for women during the Games, allowing the brand to insert itself into this topical conversation.

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