Cannes Lions

Little Counts



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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We took the most used nutrition food worldwide and changed a small thing: Instead of selling 1 kilogram of rice, PENNY now sells 55,027, 55,571 or 55,109 grains of rice. The rice has been mechanically counted and the amount of rice individually stamped onto the package. The back of the package shows detailed information of the ingredients: from the manpower needed to produce it to the nutritional values of a single grain of rice.

At the point of sale, on the package and online, in the middle of their everyday life people could find out more about food waste and the worth which lays within every single grain. Therefore with one glimpse they changed perspective without making a change themselves.


PENNY is one of Europe’s biggest discounter chains. We used PENNY’s great reach to place an extraordinary, specially designed shelf in the store for one day: A shelf with a screen that teaches the customers about the rice's value and special packaging that shows the exact number of rice grains that one pack contains. With this stumbling block in the customer’s everyday life, they change their perspective directly while shopping in the store.


Due to having more than 2.200 stores in Germany and an average number of 2 million clients per day, PENNY reached a broad target group with Little Counts. Clients reacted very positive towards this simple but clever measure PENNY used, in order to point out the high value of a basic food like rice. The 5000 packages we produced were sold within one day. Also, plenty of people got engaged on our website, which provided them with further information about the origination process and values of a grain of rice. So basically, all we did was altering the measuring unit. But it changed the way consumers look at a product. It made them realize how precious a single piece of food is. Because every grain matters.

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