Cannes Lions

Love for the Ages


Presentation Image
Case Film






We recommended moving away from an LGBT focused target audience to a broader general consumer audience as this was a historic day for all Americans to celebrate and also impacted people outside of the direct LGBT community in positive ways (e.g those with same sex parents / family members and friends).

We used comScore, Simmons etc. to research known sites and publishing houses with high reach that would be able to both create, house and distribute the anniversary celebration video. We identified and recommended The Huffington Post (owned by AOL) and AOL's network distribution as the ideal partner. Huff Post is both a Pulitzer Prize winning online publisher and was also the #1 most shared content on Facebook giving us strong social distribution. The site also had both a general audience and a voice to speak to the LGBT community through their HuffPost Queer Voices section.


In partnership with Barefoot Wines and Huffington Post , we launched Love Through the Ages – a video which celebrated the anniversary of the day same-sex marriage was deemed constitutional in the United States.

The ‘Love For the Ages’ video interviewed 5 couples (50 years +) that have experienced a lifetime of not being able to be legally in love, and the triumph in seeing their relationships recognized by the law.

The campaign was live for a one week period, and launched 2 days before the anniversary to build awareness leading up to the historic day.


With 440K guaranteed views expected, the campaign ended up garnering over 1MM views in the first 48 hours and over 2.5MM video views in the one week it was live, resulting in 1.3MM+ minutes of video watched.

The video saw 4.8MM+ Facebook impressions, and 110K engagements across all social channels including 17K shares.

Barefoot saw a 209% increase in positive sentiment on social media, with 34 same-sex marriage wedding photos shared from consumers who joined in the celebration.

After the video launched, the conversation on social surrounding Barefoot Wine shifted from strictly wine and business to Pride and LGBT content, with “Love for The Ages” comprising over 40% of all Barefoot Wine conversation.

The campaign was featured in AOL’s Adweek article highlighting the distribution product Pronto which we implemented to extend reach of the video.

The campaign went on to win Best Multicultural/LGBT at the 2016 MediaPost Creative Media Awards.

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