Cannes Lions
Lufthansa asked us to use their brand expertise to make a real change in the travel behavior of the queer community. So, we changed their claim to “The world says yes to you.” and created a documentary short film campaign to show what that means. Here, we portrayed places that a queer traveler would usually avoid – but where there are people who have created islands of tolerance despite the queer-unfriendly environment, explicitly welcoming the queer community. These stories are part of a long-term project: to create a guidebook of safe travel destinations away from the classic queer destinations.
In our short film, we follow Brian from Utah, who maintains a queer community there that breaks with the largely conservative tradition of the rodeo and creates an environment in which everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, can attend this happening - whether as a spectator or as a cowboy or cowgirl. He talks about his connection to his homeland, the animals, what community means to him and how critically he views the hyper-masculine image that has formed over time. The Gay Rodeo is a save space - and there are only two things to feel on horseback: Pride and freedom.
Our social campaign has made it from the core target group of the LGBTIA* community to the media landscape of German public television. It was important to us that it was not a communication of a brand to people, but that our target group was significantly involved, which is why we worked with queer activist and director Mollie Mills. An active collaboration with Lufthansa's Diversifly network on our landing page was the next step to also involve people internally. In addition to a particularly high level of interaction on Instagram, our topic and the story of Nuala from Brazil were also communicated to a broad audience, in some cases far away from our core target group, in a TV report in the following fall. This has made the campaign to one of the most important ones for Lufthansa in 2023.
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