Cannes Lions


NUDEJEH, Bangkok / MALEE / 2013

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






During a rush-hour supermarket shopping spree, a shopper who wants to quickly buy some Malee orange juice is constantly interrupted by a mysterious hand that tries to point out the gentle care and detailed craft that goes in to producing the orange juice, in contrast to his hurried, stressed lifestyle.

Pay-off : “Goodness from caring.”


Caring is what Malee fruit juice is about, thanks to its meticulous caring processes in growing, harvesting and manufacturing. To stress the importance of caring, Malee felt people had to rediscover the beauty and value of caring first hand. So the most relevant way was to encourage them to take part in a social campaign to make ‘caring’ meaningful once again, so they can appreciate the concept more. No other fruit juice brand has connected with the mass at such a socially responsible level. The campaign proved Malee truly is ‘Fruit with care’.


The campaign generated lots of conversation and support for the cause. Many online idols even made covers of the song. In just one month, song clips reach 400,000 views, and music videos reached over 1m views. Malee Facebook’s 'Talking about this' value reached over 56,000. Caring phrases used socially online increased from 6,098 to 750,000 times per month during the campaign. And most importantly people came to appreciate the caring phrases much more than ever.

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