Cannes Lions
OMD UK, London / PEPSICO / 2013
We wanted to make Mariachi Doritos a hit amongst all the other Christmas music releases.
So we set our marketing campaign like a music company.
Fan support is vital to every new release. And the home of modern music discovery is online.
So we got Doritos’ half-million strong Twitter and Facebook followers to pick up on the track.
A photo of our band in full flow was posted, challenging our fans to guess the song being sung.
With the buzz underway, we released the track online. And let the fans spread it to their friends.
Reaching seven million before we’d invested a single penny of marketing money.
Then we took it mainstream. We seeded the track with music blogs. Placed the video as pre-roll to music content on YouTube.
And finally gatecrashed the big Christmas music moment.
Playing our track on radio, immediately before the announcement of the Christmas no.1.
To our ears, Mariachi Doritos ‘Stay Another Day’ was the real Christmas number one.
Here’s the reasons why:
13 million views of our music video.
We beat the official number one single six to one on YouTube.
The most viewed and shared piece of content on YouTube in the vital week before Christmas.
The highest ever share rate on YouTube – double the previous best.
Brand awareness up by 10%. Brand love up by 11%. All in one month.
Doritos market share grew by 4%. A huge business result.
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