Cannes Lions



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Poverty has been a worldwide problem,In China, unsalable agricultural products become a main factor for farmers stay in poverty. Kuaishou, a live-streaming app with a traffic rate at 400-million users in most Chinese rural areas.

Kuaishou believes that the live streaming on the Internet can not only provide entertainment, but also teach the ordinary farmers to sell goods online in order to change their poverty.

Objectives :

1. By providing MBA business knowledge and management education resources, cultivate rural leaders, promote their own ability growth, support their rural industrial development, promote rural economic development and increase local employment opportunities.

2. Show the rural customs through short video+live broadcast, explore the sustainable way to become rich, and promote the sales of agricultural products.

3. Let rural life be seen, and expand the influence of Kuaishou platform in the field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.


MBA for Poverty is a business plan raised by kuaishou, which designs the individual courses for farmers with the actual situation of village-life in China.

With the help of Kuaishou courses online and offline, poor farmers have become the MBA students.

The MBA courses include brand building, logistics management, team management and live streaming for selling goods.

Kuaishou trains the ordinary farmers with its official courses to master the skill of selling goods through live streaming.


There are large amount of farmers in China who lives in poverty and unsalable agricultural products are the main problem of farmers' poverty.

Kuaishou, a live-streaming app with a traffic rate of 400-million users in most Chinese rural areas.Kuaishou believes that the live streaming on the Internet can not only provide entertainment, but also teach the ordinary farmers to sell goods online in order to change their poverty.

So Kuaishou designed online and offline MBA courses, including brand building, logistics management, team management and live streaming to help farmers for selling goods.


MBA for Poverty is a business plan raised by kuaishou, which designs the individual courses for farmers with the actual situation of village-life in China.

With the help of Kuaishou courses online and offline, poor farmers have become the MBA students.

The MBA courses include brand building, logistics management, team management and live streaming for selling goods.

Kuaishou trains the ordinary farmers with its official courses to maser the skill of selling goods through live streaming...

This campaign lasted for one year.


In 2019, more than 25.7-milion people received revenues from Kuaishou. Among them, 6.64-million people are from poor regions. One in every four people is an active Kuaishou-user in poor areas of China. Kuaishou has recorded more than 2.9 billion videos in impoverished national counties with more than 95 billion likes and 1,653.8 billion views.MBA for Poverty program allows millions of the most impoverished farmers to master a new business model, which is Internet Plus Agriculture.