Cannes Lions
LOWE, Bangkok / MERCEDES BENZ / 2011
Mercedes-Benz would like to celebrate its 125 years of innovation. The brief was to engage consumers in the Thailand’s biggest automobile event, Bangkok International Motor show where most brands used to attract male consumers with sexy pretties
We told the story in an innovative way, by creating the first Augmented Reality in the motor show. With a simple question “What would the world be without Mr. Carl Benz, the man who invented the first automobile?”, it provoked them to imagine what if we have no car at all. As well as our other innovations, without an ABS, without a durable car, without a fuel-saving car, what would the world become?
Mercedes-Benz showed its leadership to the whole industry and 1.8 million people who went to Motor show. It generated 10 million baht worth of free media. We were the top selling premium cars in the event, with 1,035 units sold. But more importantly, we have changed the way the motor show should be.
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