Cannes Lions


KING, Stockholm / CHILDHOOD / 2019

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The World Childhood Foundation works against violence and sexual abuse of children. In the #metoo movement, many previously untold stories of sexual abuse finally were heard, but the focus was almost exclusively on adult victims. Unfortunately, children are too subjected to sexual abuse. Childhood wanted to shed light on this with an ad. The children's voice also needs to be heard in #Metoo.

The simple and yet striking ad, with #metoo written by a child's hand, was followed up at with information on how to talk to children about personal integrity, on signs of abuse and on where to look for help if needed.

The World Childhood foundation became an advocate for Children's stories in the Swedish #Metoo movement. A lot of now grown up victims wrote and told about their experiences. Donations followed, and voices were raised to further work for children's safety.

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