Cannes Lions



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Problem:Transperuana insurance company has a product its competitors don’t: a micro insurance program (low cost insurance from $5 a month), aimed at those who can’t afford much. However the typical reluctant attitude towards insurance sales agents makes it difficult to approach potential clients.Strategy:To present Transperuana not as yet another insurance company but rather as a source of support towards those who could not afford an insurance.Solution:Creating a metaphor to materialize Transperuana´s concept of supporting those who others don’t.We developed the world’s first Referee’s Supporters’ Club, a huge group of fans who supported the referee at a Peruvian Soccer Championship match.

Results:6 million witnessed our event via live TV, Internet, radio, press and generated nearly US$ 750,000 worth of earned media from an investment of just US$ 4000.We made the news all over America and Europe through networks such as ESPN, FOX, GLOBO, as well as Internet media.The barrier between our salesforce and potential clients was diminished:Contact with potential clients increased by 80%.60% increase of insurance sold compared to the previous month. "We are from Transperuana, the ones who support the referee" is now the way our salesforce introduce themselves.


So we went to the place where support matters most: Soccer stadiums. There we decided to support the one who no one else does: the referee. Thereby creating the world’s first Referee’s Supporters’ Club.The Champion and Runner-up from the 2010 Peruvian Soccer Championship would be playing against each other. Each team were rooted by their fans as usual. But they weren’t going to be the only ones. On this match, and for the first time ever, the referee would get support as well. The Referee’s Supporter’s Club were there to cheer and root with its banners, flags and encouraging songs.All of a sudden, sixty minutes into the match when we had caught everyone’s attention –regular attendees, the soccer players, live television, press and even the referee himself- a huge banner was raised which read: We support those who others don’t: TRANSPERUANA INSURANCE COMPANY.


6 million witnessed our event via live TV, Internet, radio, press and generated nearly US$ 750,000 worth of earned media from an investment of just US$ 4000.We made the news all over South America and Europe through international networks such as ESPN, Fox, Lequipe, Clarin, AS, Globo, as well as Internet media.The idea caught on and was featured in hundreds of websites in over five different languages.The supporters’ videos received over 60,000 times on Youtube within the first week!

The barrier between our salesforce and potential clients was diminished:Contact with potential clients increased by 80%.60% increase of insurance sold compared to the previous month. “We are from Transperuana, the ones who support the referee” is now the way our salesforce introduce themselves.The referees are, of course moved by this.

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