Cannes Lions

Microsoft Stories


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Examples of our feature stories include an article about a Microsoft researcher who developed a watch that short-circuits tremors so a 33-year-old woman with Parkinson’s disease can write legibly for the first time in years. Another feature was about an entrepreneur who is using Microsoft technology to help farmers “feed the world without wrecking the planet.” Yet another tells about a Microsoft employee who channeled his grief after losing an infant son to SIDS to employ data analysis tools to unravel the mysteries behind the disease with the hope of ending it.


In addition to our main website, the Microsoft Stories team publishes a comprehensive set of blogs as well as event press sites that aggregate company blog posts, press releases and other assets to help journalists quickly get all the news, images and videos they need to cover product launches and the like.

Visitors are also treated to innovative storytelling via Microsoft Story Labs, a creative SWAT team tucked away within the company’s Corporate Communications division. They’re a small crew of journalists, designers, animators, artists and photographers dedicated full time to finding the most interesting stories, people and ideas from across the company, and sharing them with the world. Examples include the Explanimators video series, .future podcast and Securing the Cloud long-form piece.


News outlets have picked up the stories we’ve published and used our images, videos and other assets to tell the stories from their own angles. The raw numbers for FY2017 for our site include 14.7 million pageviews, 9.8 million visits and 7.9 million unique users.

We’re happy to have those eyeballs. But we’re even happier with the heart and passion of our team – and of the people whose stories we share.

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