Cannes Lions

Mini Reality

Y&R MEXICO, Mexico City / DANONE / 2018

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Case Film
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Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest gender inequality in the world. This represents a problem for both men and women because it stops the country’s economic and social development.

One of the main issues of gender inequality is labor inequality, women economic participation in Mexico is of 42.9% vs 77.8% of male participation. Not even half of women in working age have or are looking for a job.

Bonafont, Mexico’s leading water brand, has been empowering women for 25 years, but in 2017 the brand wanted to give a step further and actively fight against the main obstacle for women empowerment: Gender inequality.

For this, Dannon Global, made the biggest alliance of its history with an ONG, UN Women, to develop this project in Mexico.

The brief: A break- through launch of the brand purpose “Equal labor opportunities” sensitizes consumers and gets them to join the cause.


With hidden cameras, we conducted a social experiment in which we confronted real kids and their parents face to face with gender inequality and recorded their reactions. From lower salaries to making it impossible for girls to have a leading role in their jobs “Mini Reality” intended parents to open their eyes to the reality of the opportunities that awaited their kids in the future by delivering a clear message:

In México, your children opportunities are conditioned by their gender. If we continue as we are, it will be 70 years before we achieve equality.

This action was supported by the special edition SKU which invested 100% of it’s earnings to UN and by the largest women race in the world which held place in three of the main cities of the country supporting gender equality. To take advantage of the momentum, all executions took place around women’s day.


In two months, the most important publications in Latin America published content around the campaign, we had a return of investment of more than $370, 000 USD in PR, (a number normally obtained in 1 year for an average campaign).

In the first week the 2 min video got 71% of true view (the average is 40% in long videos) so it really kept people watching till the end.

During women’s day week, the positive sentiment increased 3 times it’s value, reaching 54.10% and displacing neutral comments (which commonly represent the majority).

People were eager to join the cause: 58,000 bottles were sold during the first month and 100% of it’s earnings were invested in UN; 42,000 women ran the race for equal opportunities donating $1 per KM.

Within 3 years, Dannon Global will have an internal transformation in order to achieve gender labor equality for all its employees.

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