Cannes Lions


ETCETERA, Amsterdam / KPN / 2008

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Hi is a mobile provider that targets young people between the ages of 18 and 24. Our target group communicates more through text messages than telephone conversations. Everything is done through texting, from dating to dumping. The aim of the Hi TEXT Secrets promotion is to let our target group experience the insight ‘dare to say anything through texting’ via objective: 20% of the target group is familiar with Hi TEXT Secrets. Activating objectives: 100,000 unique visitors on the site:; 10,000 secret ratings (10%); 500 visitors reveal one of their own secrets (0.5%).


People have felt the urge to reveal secrets for centuries. Just to get it off their chest. Reading about other people’s secrets also fulfils a need. Secrets are thrilling. They conjure up feelings of excitement, amazement, sometimes even disgust, and yet we read on. Hi understands this very well.The answer was a mix of mass and direct marketing actions to encourage the target group to text their secrets, which would then be made public. By texting secrets, you also stood a chance of winning a secret trip. The site featured the possibility to view other people’s secrets 24/7. But naturally, they shouldn’t kiss and tell.


The final result: 29% of the target group is familiar with Hi TEXT Secrets117,411 unique visitors, 86% added the site to their list of favourites520 sent-in secrets (0.44% of all realised visitors)27,899 votes cast (23% of all unique visits)In a relatively short time, TEXT Secrets set a lot of people in motion with a cross media campaign that had a huge synergetic impact. The campaign created 150% more name recognition for TEXT Secrets (index 145) and attracted 17% more unique visitors (index 117). Those visitors revealed slightly more secrets than expected and cast almost three times more votes on the secrets of others (index 278).

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