Cannes Lions
COSSETTE WEST, Vancouver / MCDONALD'S / 2010
Initially, we had some difficulty as cities wouldn’t allow us to pay for meter parking along downtown streets. But we discovered we could buy out privately owned parking lots and do whatever we wanted.So we took over parking lots and surrounded them with signage using the iconic “Free Parking” square from Monopoly. Everything in and around the lot indicated that commuters parking there for the day had landed on “Free Parking” courtesy of McDonald’s. We then staffed the lots with street teams so that every commuter received Monopoly game boards, game pieces and coupons for a free Coke.
During the promotion, over 10,000 people landed on “Free Parking” spaces courtesy of McDonald’s. The stunt’s message was also picked up by radio stations, was “tweeted” about, and resulted in over $100,000 in unpaid media exposure.
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