Cannes Lions

Motorcycle Taxi Activist


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Case Film
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The idea was conceived by deconstructing the boundary between what is make-believe and what is real utilizing the online world. Therefore Meena Chotekam is created in social media pages and release his interview mockumentary to convince the nation about the significance of lifetime learning opportunity. We created supporting evidence and data throughout the Mockumentary as well as on website in order to lead the audience into making assumptions about the actual existence of the character. Believing that the character was real, we were then able to establish the relevance of the topic among the target audience. This communications tactic serves as an innovative platform for the future as people tend to prefer real genuine stories than fictional unreal ones.


We created a character “Meena” who is made-believed to exist in the online world. As a motorcycle-taxi, the character bears the blue-collar stereotype while paradoxically presents himself as an activist who is well-traveled and is familiar with many knowledge centers around the world. Family facts and information are given throughout the story to strengthen the assumption that he was a real person. Well-conversed with intelligent and educated rationales highlighting the importance of knowledge centers in simple, colloquial terms, “Meena Chotekam” enables the audience to see themselves through him - seeing the potential they could leap, how their skills and knowledge could be nurtured by having knowledge centres. The story then leads into the call for public support on online petition website, which resulted in more than 100,000 supporting signatures within 3 days as well as unprecedented widespread public awareness and talks about the need for the creation of knowledge centers.


The campaign was lunched in June 2017 including the launch of campaign VDO on Facebook and the launch of an online petition for the development of knowledge centers on website. Targeting urban dwellers, the campaign aimed to create public awareness and drive support for the development of urban knowledge centers. The campaign was able to create widespread public attention and collect enough supporting signatures resulting in the government’s approval and actualization of the project.

- 470,000 USD in earned media

- +8 million organic online views

- +70,000 organic shares

- +100,000 supporters in 3 days

- started the debate about the mockumentary throughout the internet

- Thailand trending topic in Twitter and Facebook