Dubai Lynx
MAGNA, Cairo / REXONA / 2021
Rexona is brand that has always encouraged movement, giving people the confidence to move and be active without the embracement of sweat. However when the pandemic hit and people were forced to stay home and for their own safety Rexona launched an initiative to encourage people to continue to be active at home. The objective of the campaign was to encourage those who are not active to take up simple movements at home during their day to day activities during the pandemic.
For this campaign we wanted to focus on raising awareness on the brand purpose while engaging people in the concept of staying active. In addition, we needed to ensure that we grow sales during a time of decreasing demand for deodorants as people were home more and becoming less active.
Rexona was targeting males and females ages 18-35 who are interested in “non active” activities such as watching movies and series and playing video games. Upon defining the interests and affinities based on the activities our target audience were indulged during lockdown we made sure to target each copy with its relevant copy.
For this campaign we wanted to focus on raising awareness on the brand purpose while engaging people in the concept of staying active. In addition, we needed to ensure that we grow sales during a time of decreasing demand for deodorants as people were home more and becoming less active.
Rexona was targeting males and females ages 18-35 who are interested in “non active” activities such as watching movies and series and playing video games. Upon defining the interests and affinities based on the activities our target audience were indulged during lockdown we made sure to target each copy with its relevant copy.
We developed four 15” copies 1 targeted to Females and the other 3 targeted to males. The context of the female targeted copy was focused on binge watchers and introducing simple exercises they can do while binging their favourite show. While the 3 male copies also aimed at promoting simple exercises that they can do playing video games, watching a movie, or series pushing them on YT & TV.
We partnered up with Tri-Factory Egypt’s number 1 marathon activations to launch a stay at home marathon during Ramadan encouraging people to continue to stay active while staying safe. Rexona offered to donate 1 EGP for every 1KM ran during the stay at home marathon to encourage people to “move more for good”. All the proceeds went to the breath foundation towards ventilators in an effort to help COVID-19 patients.
We had heavy ecom presence effort to encourage staying home.
Media Results:
• Reached over 7M people
• With CPM that is 61% lower than Benchmark
• And CPV that is 50% lower than category benchmark
• Rexona was able to raise over 80,210 EGP for funding ventilators through the stay at home marathon with over 1,304 participants in the marathon. These efforts were recognized by the Egyptian Cure Bank by posting a dedicated thank you post on Facebook
• Rexona’s efforts were also noticed by digital magazines like ScoopeEmpire and Identity.
Business results:
• E-com Grew 14X May onwards and 2.4X during campaign months
• Volume Share Increased by 17% in one month
• Volume Share increased by 7% compared to same time last year
E-com: Grew 14X May onwards and 2.4X during campaign months
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