Cannes Lions

MYF - Lonesome Traveler








-The launch of the new Magdi Yacoub Heart Centre in Cairo (the capital of Egypt in the North) to provide free treatment alongside the one already operating in Aswan (a city deep in the South of Egypt). The holy month of Ramadan is the month where charities are heard and seen. With almost 45% of donations happening during this month.

-Informing people that the Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation will soon be operating in Cairo, and to complete building its construction we need every donation.

-Raising awareness was key, as well as to prompt the public to donate in order for the new heart center to reach completion.


The creative idea behind this ad was to tell a personal and intimate story about the patients of the Magdi Yacoub Foundation. They share emotions we all feel such as longing and the desire to be near the people they love.

As the Magdi Yacoub Foundation is situated thousands of miles from most of the important cities in Egypt, patients are required to undergo long and exhausting journeys to get there. This element of the medical journey is often ignored, though it is experienced by every patient who is required to leave home to receive treatment. This story resonates not only with patients undergoing treatment but with any child that has had to move and leave familiar territory. It is not much easier for the ones the child leaves behind, which is why we had our protagonist’s friends bid him goodbye with the powerful classic by Mohamed Abdel Wahab.


In order to resonate with the largest audience base possible, our strategy was to tell a simple though extraordinary story in a hyper-realistic way. What does travel, something we all take for granted and perhaps even enjoy, mean when the destination is a hospital? We wanted the story to be personal, to put a face to the patients that tend to be overly objectified in the ads produced by charitable organizations. The best way to get people to engage, react and donate is to be truthful in portraying a real slice of life and how donations can improve it. Personal stories immerse us in the lives of the patients and families, allowing us to truly empathize with their struggles. This helped serve the purpose of the ad, which is to collect donations to build a new more central Magdi Yacoub facility in the heart of Cairo.


-The main challenge was to execute a minimalist idea without losing the audience's interest. To this end, the final product had to be cinematic, though not overly stylized in order to maintain its realism.

-The project lasted two months from start to finish; One month of pre-production to find the best locations and places to bring the film to life, filming and post-production took another month.

-Over ten locations were involved, as the journey displayed in the film goes through different cities, hence the filming of the project itself involved traveling between three cities.


- Within two days of airing, the campaign had reached over 104,230 views on major social media platforms which is a huge number for charity based ads (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram).

- Due to its emotional nature the campaign left a positive impact regarding both donations and entertainment, going as far as prompting previous patients to share their stories of domestic health travel. The film resonated with viewers and more importantly, with the patients, the main drivers behind creating this film.

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