Cannes Lions
The world is far from perfect and conflicts, poverty, inequality or natural disasters keep hitting strong the most disadvantageous areas of the planet.
On the prosperous areas of the world, NGOs fight to earn a space in the mind of citizens. The competition for donations is becoming stronger and stronger and those organizations with less resources usually can't keep up.
That's exactly the situation of our client. They are a relative small organization that among other humanitarian tasks also addresses the growing issue of homeless in cities.
The strategy is to unveil such a strong truth that you can't turn away from it, generating anger and polemics among those who learn it. Walking along the thin line between aggression and true empathy, this film shows the desperate effects that living in the street has in a human being.
A homeless talks straight away to camera full of rage, challenging the audience believes in whether they should donate to any NGO that protects endangered animals, far away African kids, natural disaster victims, war refugees… with growing anger and desperation, he attacks them and advocates for himself as the only choice worth donating.
Finally we reveal that this behavior is the result of human desperation and hardness which grows bigger and bigger the longer someone lives in the streets.
This film rose big initial controversy and polemics and was soon mentioned in local media, fostering its buzz online and offline, and becoming trending topic on tweeter for 10 straight days.
Finally, this was translated into more than 7.000€ on donations in less than three months and an increase of 19% in affiliates to our NGO. All together supposed enough economic and human resources to keep with the main programs that help homeless in town.
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