Cannes Lions
BBDO SINGAPORE, Singapore / PFIZER / 2005
'Perfume promoters', holding perfume bottles filled with an odourless solution, spritzed 'scent strips' and handed them out to smokers milling outside malls. The solution unveils a message written in invisible ink, "Can't smell anything?" The unique approach had a viral effect, as the targeted smokers relate their experience to their smoker friends.
Through identification of the key media, we targeted their interest activities with an engaging and interactive creative campaign that they could relate to. Leveraging off the console and online gaming craze, we created a hands-on, 3D animated fighting game that the target audience could play. By combining the insights of our target's media behaviour and activities, we were able to get them to respond in a voluntary and convincing manner.
All targeted smokers were surprised by the message. All pharmacies carrying Nicorette report a 60% increase in enquiries and traffic to increased 30%.
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