Cannes Lions
OGILVY NEW YORK, New York / IBM / 2014
Our animated film dramatizes the threat posed by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria that kills more than 19,000 people per year in the US. We zoom in on a boy’s skin to find our “superbug super-villain” MRSA wreaking havoc on his body’s cells. We see a failed assault on the bacterium by methicillin and penicillin. When all seems lost, enter IBM’s new invention: “ninja polymers” – nano-particles that are drawn to MRSA’s electrostatic charge, killing the bacteria.We close by announcing that IBM is working with drug companies to commercialize the technology.
We approached the film from a mixed media standpoint. We love the flexibility of CG animation combined with the tactile quality of the models. We began the process by designing and constructing scientifically-accurate models of the main characters in CG, then printing the characters as physical objects through 3D Printing. The rest of the props were created using traditional fabrication techniques. Expressive elements were added in CG animation at the service of storytelling.
We shot all of the physical elements in live action like a puppet show. At times more than 5 people had to move the props in real time as the camera captured the action. The rods that held the puppets were kept in the final piece as a way to retain little imperfections and humanity.
Facial features, the characters' legs, arms, blinking eyes, and special effects were added and animated in post to give our characters a little scientific personality.
The diverse techniques used in the spot required the combined effort of several different teams with various expertise spread around the world, from the prop makers in Argentina, and the scientist that consulted for the film in California to the film and post crew in New York. Everyone collaborated to create something we're really proud of.
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