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McCANN INDIA, Mumbai / KWALITY / 2018
Around 90% of children in India are suffering from a deficiency of Vitamin D. This deficiency can lead to lifelong bone weakness, reduced immunity, and risk of many lifestyle disorders. The general diet of Indians, being primality vegetarian is also low on Vitamin D. At Kwality Ltd. we know that fortification of our products is just one part of the solution. Fortified foods can meet only one-third of the daily requirements of vitamin D. Rest of its daily requirement must be met by exposure to sunlight for about 15 to 20 minutes, with the best time being 11 am to 1 pm.
To show Kwality’s commitment towards improving the health of Indian children.
Launch an initiative that spreads awareness about Vitamin D deficiency in Indian children and come up with a simple, scalable, idea that helps improve their vitamin D levels in a meaningful, practical manner.
The initiative kicked off with a joint meeting between various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders on ‘Strategies to combat Vitamin D Deficiency in Children’ at the FSSAI headquarters on March 05, 2018.
With the involvement of these stakeholders, the initiative was launched with a joint Noon Assembly on April 09, 2018 at the National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi. More than 600 students from around 25 schools participated in the launch event.
We reached out to children, parents, schools, and medical professionals through print ads in national dailies, noonassembly.in website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram handles of FSSAI, and noonassembly, school events, and clinic visits.
In less than a month since launch, local and national print, TV, and online media covered the initiative with nearly 200 stories and helped the Noon Assembly reach more than 50 schools in the country.
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